Modern and comprehensive preventive examinations to maintain your health and performance.
Pulmonary function tests
An accurate assessment of your lung function to enable early diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.
Ultrasound examinations
Learn more about the state-of-the-art ultrasound examinations available in our practice for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases.
Emergency diagnostics
Quick and accurate diagnosis in emergency situations - We are here for you in acute medical emergencies, providing support and care.
Vaccination and travel vaccination consultation
During the vaccination history consultation, you will receive individual recommendations for protective measures, explanations of side effects, and information on the duration of vaccine protection.
Cardiological examinations
Regular preventive check-ups help to detect cardiovascular diseases early.
Color Doppler ultrasonography
Duplex ultrasonography is often the first choice for examining blood vessels. This is because the effects of narrowing on blood flow can be assessed in "real-time."
Laboratory tests
In the laboratory, we perform blood, stool, and urine tests. Through these tests, we gain comprehensive insights into the functions of organs and systems (e.g. metabolic and immune systems).
Investigation of coronary heart disease and heart rhythm disorders, early detection of blood pressure deviations, and evaluation of blood pressure problems.
Metabolic Balance
Optimize your health and well-being through a personalized nutrition plan with Metabolic Balance.
Skin cancer screening
Thorough skin cancer screenings can help protect your skin and your health.